This fascinating Etruscan expression, meaning grandparents, represents a tribute to the ancient civilisation that dominated Tuscany, as well as to the deep bond between our family, this land and its ancient and prestigious winemaking tradition. Apa Nacna is a seal that will be imprinted each year by the finest grapes and wines in the cellar that best express the character of the vintage. This unrepeatable edition, the outcome of our creativity and avant-garde tendency, is the result of a skilful and refined blend of the best Merlot, Alicante and Sangiovese grapes from different vintages for a complex, spicy wine with varied hues and great structure.

GRAPES Blend of the best Merlot, Alicante, and Sangiovese
grapes from different vintages
VINIFICATION  Malolactic fermentation takes place in stainless steel vats.
AGEING In steel tanks and then in concrete tanks. It is then
aged for 24 months in French oak tonneaux before bottling.